Title I
Title I and LAP (Learning Assistance Program)
Kennewick School District supports a school-wide Title I and LAP program in identified schools designed to ensure that students with learning needs can learn and grow to meet grade-level standards.
Our goal, in the Title I / LAP office is to partner with schools to support, inform and update them on new federal laws, requirements and to provide support to meet the goals of their continuous achievement plans (CAP).
Further support is provided to Title I / LAP identified schools by allocating a designated Title I / LAP program specialist who works with building principals and Title I and LAP teachers at schools, to support the goals of their CAP (continuous achievement process and plan). Specifically, the program specialist's responsibilities include:
- Ensuring that identified students receive targeted instruction, help, and support to close the learning and achievement gap
- Ensure allocated funds are utilized during the year
- Targeted professional development opportunities are scheduled and provided to staff
- Parent involvement activities are scheduled and relevant to the school's CAP
Schools receiving Title I & LAP Support (2021-22)
Family Supports
Student and Family Support Team
Nesreen Almuzayen
Immigrant and Refugee Coordinator
All students are engaged learnersKSD strategic goal